51 Lilliput Road, Poole, Dorset, BH14 8JX

01202 709013


Lilliput Church of England Infant School

Love, Respect, Serve

Physical Education

Subject leader

Link governor

Hannah Adeney

Fay Perrins


To develop our children’s knowledge, skills and understanding so that they can perform with increasing competence and confidence in a range of physical activities. We believe that sport plays an integral part in the holistic development of our children, supporting our key values of respect, trust, friendship and responsibility towards themselves and others.

What do we expect pupils to know by certain points?

Please see CLP PE curriculum document outlining what we expect pupils to know by certain points in the year, in line with the Early Learning Goals and National Curriculum.

A Key driver for 2021/22 is CPD development to ensure that all teachers are accurate in their assessment and that our moderation process in PE is robust and effective.

What is the clear sequence in which the children will encounter the curriculum?

Is it logical?

Does each year build on the last/prepare for the next (including Year 3?)

The CLP document shows clear progression of the skills the children will learn in each year group. The objectives can also be found in the year group assessment documents. The skills being learnt will assist children from when they start school with their progression into year 2. We have considered the skills being taught and teaching skills in appropriate order. For example, teaching children to catch a large ball before smaller balls. The skills being taught and topics can be found in the PE topic overview. Teachers are encouraged to look at the child’s previous year’s assessment, previous objectives and next year’s so that they can see where the children have come from and where they are heading towards.

Why have we chosen to teach this and not alternatives?

We have placed focus as a staff on analysing why we have chosen to teach certain topics and have made changes accordingly. We have decided to take a skills-based approach although we will be naming the topics as a sport so the children know how they can apply the skills and to give them inspiration and a purpose for their learning. We feel it is far more important to teach the skill sets before attempting different types of team or sports games.


We have also looked at when and why we offer certain topics, skills and clubs to ensure we teach and offer a balanced curriculum for the children in our school. For example, as a staff we have observed that the boys at Lilliput on the whole seem more keen to engage in sports than the girls and have discussed the importance of inspiring girls. Therefore, this year we have introduced netball as a topic. We have also observed a real interest towards our local football team and have connections with this team that we use on sports week so we have included football as a topic which will involve teaching those skills needed to play football.


From September, we will be introducing a celebratory sports week at the end of each half term, which will involve the children applying the skills learnt in that set of PE lessons to a game. We have also considered the order of teaching various skills, for instance teaching netball skills, which involve catching a larger ball before team games skills such as tag rugby as the balls are smaller in this sport.  We will then also introduce a sports star of the week from each class to be presented in the worship of the celebratory sports week.


We would also like to place focus on selecting some sports players for the children to learn about and be introduced to during worships which link to our whole school development of cultural capital. We have also chosen certain topics to be taught at certain points in the year due to the weather and we have taken account of events children should know about. For example, we have chosen to teach the skills required for tennis in the summer to coincide with Wimbledon.

Does the teaching planned match the content?

A key driver for 2021/22 is CPD development to ensure that all teachers are accurate in their assessment and that our moderation process in PE is robust and effective.

Additionally, this year the subject lead aims to carry out lesson observations with an expert member of SLT to check that the teaching matches the planning and to offer any CPD opportunities, identify the strengths and provide support for any areas that need improvement. Lesson plans will be reviewed termly to see what is being taught and assessment will be reviewed to find out how gaps are being closed and how children are being supported.

Is there clear progression of skills considering prior learning (revisiting previously taught knowledge including linking with other subjects), which takes into account what will be taught in the next school.

All year groups spend time revisiting skills previously taught and subject leader meets with junior schools to identify the key skills required for children to be successful moving on.


Have we carefully considered why work has been placed in specific year groups including Reception and at particular points in the year.

Subject leader and CLP working party have spent time looking at progression of skills across EYFS,  KS1 and KS2 to ensure each stage prepares the children effectively for the next stage. 


The curriculum is ambitious and meets the needs of all pupils including disadvantaged and SEND.

All children are carefully tracked and monitored with a specific focus on disadvantaged and SEND.  Subject leader to check these children are receiving quality first teaching and additional support.

Does teaching include key elements such as explanation, modelling, scaffold, practise?


See curriculum overview and lesson plans to see lessons clearly broken into short input practice, lots of practical learning which will involve modelling and scaffolding and ensuring that a warm up and cool down takes place each lesson. We also incorporate teamwork within our lessons, linking to our ‘Big ideas’. Teachers are continually assessing and adapting the teaching throughout the lesson in accordance to how the children are responding. This can include scaffolding, consideration of resources and furthering their learning within the lesson. Planning for each term will also be looked at and this year a lesson by each teacher will be observed by the subject lead and an expert member of SLT.We consider the resources used carefully and will adapt these where necessary to ensure all children have the opportunity to reach their potential.

Can you articulate why teachers are teaching your subject in a particular way?

At Lilliput, we have a very practical approach to our teaching based on regular audits of staff skills and feedback. A lot of our skills are based on what we have been taught and will be taught in CPD team teaching with specialist teachers such as CASA, chance to shine cricket and a dance specialist.

All our leaders across the school, including governors, regularly review and quality assure the subject is implemented sufficiently well.

Subject leader to provide a termly reports to SLT regarding curriculum implementation. Subject leader also to meet termly with link governor to review and quality assure subject.


How do you know that the children have learnt the things that we expect them to learn?

A key driver for 2021/22 is CPD development to ensure that all teachers are accurate in their assessment and that our moderation process in PE is robust and effective.


Monitoring lessons is also an area of focus identified by the subject lead, therefore it has been agreed that this is a priority. The subject leader will remind staff to complete their assessment and then check these for consistency between classes and then follow this up if needed. We also have coaches in who can advise teachers for CPD and support this aspect. In the future, the subject lead will discuss and look at introducing the recording of lessons on video so teachers can watch back the children’s learning to inform future planning.

What do we do if the children haven’t learnt them?

The monitoring of lessons will identify any generic teaching skills gaps and support/CPD will be provided rapidly.


‘Change for life club’ is a weekly before school club used to close the gaps in the children’s PE skills and learning and support those children, identified by the year 2 teachers as needing more support in becoming more active. The club is also used to develop children’s enjoyment of physical activity. Balanceability is a programme run by a specially trained TA to support children in reception who need support with their gross motor skills and the skills can be used to develop fine motor skills as well. All children are assessed on entry using the balanceablity assessment and this is used alongside teacher judgement to determine which children will receive this intervention.


Formative assessment during the lessons will mean children can be supported and immediate feedback can be given to children to further their learning. Summative assessment clearly outlines the children who are working at ARE and the next steps for those below ARE. This will then be passed up to the child’s next teacher so they are aware and can support the children with closing any gaps. Teachers ensure that children with SEND are planned for and appropriate resources are considered to support these children. We would also firstly check the teaching if children are below ARE and offer support where necessary.

Are there regular opportunities for retrieval practise?

Throughout each lesson and topic there will be regular opportunities for retrieval practice. Additionally, skills are revisited throughout the child’s years at Lilliput, please see topic overview and CLP document for a break down showing how skills are revisited but also built upon.

Clear links between activities and skills development are made clear to the children in order to develop metacognition.


How can we see that children’s fluency and mastery is incrementally improving?

If we can see/evidence this we can demonstrate IMPACT

The key driver for 2021/22 is CPD development to ensure that all teachers are accurate in their assessment and that our moderation process in PE is robust and effective. Assessment should then be more accurate and more effective at demonstrating real progress and impact.



How do you identify the CPD needs of staff? What are this year’s priorities? How do you identify your own SL needs?

Where do you get your inspiration/advice?

At the end of the academic year we engage in a discussion regarding PE and send out a staff questionnaire where the teachers identify their strengths and areas for improvement ready to inform CPD for September. CPD is planned based on the staff’s needs and we aim to rotate the CPD offered so it’s not the same each year but continually builds up the teacher’s knowledge and confidence in teaching PE. In terms of identifying subject needs, this is discussed during appraisals and based on knowledge gained from the PE conference. Advice is also drawn from the past PE lead at Lilliput and other PE leads within our CLP network meetings.


This year’s priorities for CPD, agreed as a staff team, will be the subject leader and an expert member of SLT observing PE lessons and providing feedback. Similarly, working with other subject leads to ensure assessment is consistent throughout subjects and if children are below ARE their next steps are identified and acted upon.


As a staff we have begun critically thinking about the skills being taught and the term they are being taught to ensure there is progression throughout the year and school.


School leaders (especially subject leaders) should be able to demonstrate what, specifically, children are supposed to learn, how they go about teaching these things and how they know whether children have learnt what is taught.